Our Anti Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
At Scientific Sanitation Solutions Ltd, we take our responsibility to combat modern slavery and human trafficking seriously. This policy is in response to Section 54 (1), Part 6 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and pertains to our actions and activities for the financial year ending on 24th March 2024.
Our Commitment
Scientific Sanitation Solutions Ltd, referred to as ‘the Company’, ‘we’, ‘us’, or ‘our’, is dedicated to preventing slavery and human trafficking violations within our operations, supply chain, and products. We uphold a strict zero-tolerance policy towards slavery and require all our supply chain partners to align with our ethical values.
About Us
Scientific Sanitation Solutions Ltd serves as the parent company with business operations in the United Kingdom and globally. We specialise in the Disinfecting Supply Chain, Bio-Chemistry, and Manufacturing sectors, supplying goods to organisations like the NHS and Lyreco.
For detailed information about the Company, please visit our website: www.scisan.co.uk.
Our Policies
Recruitment and Selection Policy: We engage accredited recruitment agencies with a proven track record and established processes.
Supplier Code of Conduct: We procure only from trusted partners in line with UK and international law, following an agreed code of conduct.
Whistle blowing Policy: We have both in-house and external company whistle blowing policies in place, covering all aspects of our supply chain, with well-defined processes.
Staff Code of Conduct: We collaborate with accredited and trusted advisors for outsourcing employment representatives, ensuring compliance with UK laws and guidelines. Further details can be found in our company handbook.
Procurement Policy: We offer employment in line with UK and international law and maintain an agreed code of conduct in partnership with agents.
Safeguarding Policy: All our members and partners undergo vetting to ensure appropriate control and safeguarding policies. We ensure that our suppliers are aware of and adhere to our policies.
Our Policies
Internal Supplier Audits
External Supplier Audits
Third-Party Checks for Slavery and Human Trafficking Risks
Our due diligence procedures aim to:
Identify and address potential risks within our business and supply chains.
Continuously monitor potential risks within our business and supply chains.
Mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains.
Provide protection for whistle blowers.
Risk and Compliance
Assessing the risks of slavery and human trafficking with each new supplier.
Regularly reviewing all aspects of the supply chain based on supply chain mapping.
Conducting regular meetings and ensuring international standards are fully in place, with additional efforts to expand supply chain coverage internationally.
We do not consider our operations to be in a high-risk environment because all products we supply are environmentally friendly, safe for humans and food, and part of a sustainable and trusted supply chain. We are committed to maintaining a positive environmental impact.
Our Stance
We have zero tolerance for slavery and human trafficking within our supply chains. Any evidence of non-compliance with our policies and procedures by our suppliers will result in the immediate termination of our relationship with that supplier.
Measuring Our Effectiveness
We use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assess our effectiveness in preventing slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chains. These KPIs include:
Contacting suppliers to inquire about their modern slavery practices every 12 months.
Providing training to our staff on modern slavery issues and increasing awareness within the Company.
Conducting regular audits of suppliers, covering 100% of them, each year.
Staff Training
We require our staff to complete training and ongoing refresher courses on slavery and human trafficking. Our training covers:
Recognising the signs of slavery and human trafficking.
The initial steps to take when slavery or human trafficking is suspected.
How to report potential slavery or human trafficking issues to the relevant parties within the Company.
Information on available external assistance.
Actions the Company should take if suppliers in its supply chain do not implement anti-slavery policies in high-risk scenarios, including their removal from the Company’s supply chain.